Excerpt From My Book "Domestic Partners"

A small excerpt from the introduction:

I became inspired to create this [fiber art] series, Domestic Partners, to capture the relationships and love that we humans have with our animals. Many of the images depict humans and their animals together, telling a piece of their emotional story. My purpose for including images of animals on their own is to invite you to look into their eyes and feel that you know them. This is an invitation to understand the emotions of our domestic partners.

Sierra and Henry

A few months after we lost our cat Calvin, we were ready to get a new cat. We wanted to be sure the new one got along well with Owen (who was only 1 year old), and we needed the new guy to be comfortable in an active household with young kids. Also, he needed to be rabbit friendly. Plus we wanted the new cat to be the right match for our daughter Sierra. It was a tall order to fill!

We went to the shelter after being tipped off about a half-grown kitten that might be a good match. We went into the room with the kitten and two other cats. That kitten might have been one of the cutest cats I have ever seen (aesthetically speaking). And he was friendly and playful—most likely a reasonable match for our family. There was also a fat, slightly disheveled cat there named Henry who immediately walked up to me and pressed his forehead into my leg. Then he pressed his face into Sierra's hands. While the kitten came over and danced around, he largely ignored the children. This other guy stayed committed to his cause of getting to know us. I asked Sierra to look into her heart and ask which cat was truly best for her, not considering the physical appearance (she was hooked on the cuteness of the kitten). She was quickly able to see that Henry was meant to be with us.

Henry came home that day and immediately became one of my most beloved friends. He was the perfect match for Sierra, he loved sitting on laps, he played wonderfully with Owen, and he gave us ten joyful years together.

Domestic Partners: Fiber art portrayals of the human-animal bond is available on Amazon and my website (free shipping)