Donkey Love

I am so fortunate to have my equines living in my backyard. I get to watch them graze from my office window (look at my amazing view!)

And I can visit them throughout the day. Mornings are the most fun. As soon as one of the donkeys sees me moving around in the house (they watch the windows) I hear a big bray. I rush around finishing up a few chores- trying not to feel guilty about them waiting for me! Finally I hop outside and open the gate to let them out for grazing. My Haflinger horse, Mallory, having given me a "hurry up" whiny and grumble, stomps right past me. She honestly doesn't even look at me- when it is time to eat pleasantries are off the table.

But the donkeys... they give me the love. First the black mammoth donkey, Ichabod, walks up to me. I give him a big kiss on the nose and a rub on the forehead. Then little Burrito comes for his kiss. I scoop him under the chin and raise his head up so I can reach his nose- I still need to bend over a little. He lingers for extra rubs and sometimes asks me to snuggle his face against my chest. When I turn to leave, Ichabod occasionally requests an extra kiss. They are so sweet!

Have a great day!